Sunday, August 30, 2009

We had a very busy day today! This morning, we drove over to Coral Bay where Dickie spoke at Calvary Baptist about being a light in this world. We then took the Lukes to eat a sandwich at Cinnamon Bay restaurant and had a good visit with them. He asked Dickie if he would work with a group of 4-5 from his church and teach them how to share their faith with others. As we were leaving, we ran into Pastor Terrence Jones and his wife Sharon from St. Thomas. We had already met him, and she is just precious! He told Dickie about a pastor's meeting on their island next Tues., Sept. 8 so he plans to go there to see what their needs are. We are looking forward to working with Pastor's Conference over there in Oct. Most of the speakers are Southern Baptist Pastors or NAMB employees.
Georgia left today and we will miss her greatly. Good news - she talked like she might come back in Jan. if things are going well with her daughter!
As we work here, we are mentally filing away projects which can be done by people who want to come from Tupelo. Plenty to do here everywhere we look. We are also considering where work groups could stay and it looks like that wouldn't be a problem or financial burden on anyone. The most expensive thing here is food!
I begin my first day tomorrow as a 2nd grade teacher. I'm very excited about that!
Dickie speaking tonight at Cruz Bay Baptist on the ministry of the Spirit in us.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I had no idea that a five-year-old could drive me to tears. I have a Master's Degree in Special Education, have raised 3 sons, and I have no idea what to do with some of these kids. Well, I know what I want to do and what they need, but I am not allowed to do that. Had one young lad get mad at me today and he rolled around on the floor and then proceeded to knock over chairs. There is nowhere to send him. We have a principal but she has to teach 1st grade. What to do?!
Most of these kids are precious. I'm thinking about putting all the ill-behaved ones at one table and just let them go at it! I've heard words you only hear in R-rated movies.
Georgia is leaving on Sunday. We will miss her! It will be Dickie and me in one apartment, and Mr. Riley in the other (below us).
Dickie stayed at the Ranch today to do some work around there. You know what the scouts say: "Leave it better than you found it."
We will go to Calvary Baptist tomorrow night for Bible Study, then Dickie will speak there on Sun. morning. Have talked to a local person about becoming involved in tourist ministry! We need local involvement so the work can be carried on after we leave. Thanks for all your prayers!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!

Just completed 1st day of Kindergarten. WOW! Had no idea what I was in for. Will have to regroup and form a new plan of attack. I'm not at Calvary anymore!!!
Sunday on St. Thomas went well. The worship service started at 11:00 and Dickie began speaking at 12:45; lots of music, talking, etc. The woman who made announcements even gave the seniors a lecture about signing up for SAT, college applications, etc. Pastor Zamore and his wife, Michelle, took us out to lunch and we really had a good visit. He is very excited about starting a tourist/dock ministry and wants us to help get that started here. On the way to the ferry, they stopped to buy us some butter bread, than a milk shake, which is served with alcohol unless you specify differently! Don't worry - we ordered without.
Really enjoyed our respite on St. Thomas - clean hotel, a little beach time, now back to work!
Sad news: our new friend, Georgia, who lives with us at the Ranch found out today that her daughter has cancer. She will be leaving within a few days. She has been our angel since we arrived and I will miss her terribly! Please pray for her.
Good news: We have wheels! A 2000 Jeep Wrangler is now sitting in the parking lot to take us home. Soon we will go to St. Thomas and do a much-needed K-Mart run.
Saw a mouse in my apartment this morning. It's Wild Kingdom down here!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Open House Tonight!!

Think I am finally ready for Open House tonight! Have learned that people in this community really think a lot of this school, and church members pitch in to help get it ready. This is a very dusty place.
We may have found a vehicle! 93 Jeep Wrangler for $4,000! Won't we look cool. Will wait and see if it's still available after our money has transferred to our new checking account here, which took us 2 hours to open yesterday. Island time!
Leaving island tomorrow to go to St. Thomas where Dickie will speak at a church Sun. morning. We hope to learn about their needs as we meet with them Sunday. A sweet couple from Calvary Tupelo has paid for us to stay in a motel there! Bathtub, here I come! I might even use 2 towels!!! God is good!
People in these churches are so matter-of-fact about their faith. A good lesson for me. They speak of things of God like we speak of movies, books, shopping, etc. They don't seem to take things for granted like I do. I have a lot to learn...
A very large iguana hanging around outside my classroom this morning! EEEK!!!Bold

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sweating! This a hot place. I promise I will quit saying that. Dickie and I are working hard at the school. He is mostly computers and whatever else anyone needs done. I'm going through a mess of stuff in my room and deciding what to use and not use.

We are staying in town tonight, walking around looking for car for sale. We will eat at J.J.'s because a waitress told us last week that she is leaving the island. We want to say good-by, and she might have a vehicle.

Got to get back to work!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I don't think I will ever take my home for granted again. Learning to be thankful for what I do have rather than what I don't have.
-don't have a bathtub but have an indoor bathroom with shower and warm water
-don't have a car but have sweet Georgia to take us around, a public bus, and 2 good legs
-don't have clean water from a faucet but have stove to boil water on
-don't have windows but have screens to keep bugs and other critters out (sometimes)
-don't have a dryer but have clotheslines and a lot of hot air blowing

Let's be thankful for what we have!!
so much to tell...Sat. morning we were treated to a 2-hr. island tour by an elderly gentleman from the church. was raised here so had many stories to tell. spent sat. evening at Calvary Baptist Church Camp (primitive!) in Coral Bay and attended church there, then ate lunch at Pastor Luke's home; a precious godly couple who have a true burden for the lost. They brought us back to the Ranch (our home) in the back of a large pick-up with benches! After a quick jaunt to the beach to cool off, we attended services at Cruz Bay Baptist. Today we are working at school. Kids start next Mon. Dickie invited to speak at Pastor Zamore's church on St. Thomas Sun. morning.
Pray that the Lord will raise up workers at Calvary Baptist Coral Bay to assist Pastor Luke.
Pray that the Lord will give Cruz Bay Baptist a heart to reach out to the community.

to paraphrase Pastor Luke: "Today is the day the Lord has made. When it is gone, we will not see it again. We need to use it serve the Lord." - my new mantra

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wanted to finish some thoughts. God is sifting me already. He's helping me learn to take my eyes off myself and my comfort. There are not many distractions at the Ranch, so I am already more focused on Him and His Word. It's me and God, and me and Dickie!

Speaking of Dickie, he is a real trooper - consistent, faithful, calm. Please pray for him as God sets out a path for him while we are here.

A church member is taking us around the island tomorrow. Then we are spending the night at the camp on East end of island and going to Pastor Luke's church (Calvary) on Sunday. Another adventure!

Love and miss you all
We are here!

We have been here for 48 hours, and I can't begin to tell you all that we have experienced. Here is an abbreviated update:
Great travel, met by a pastor from St. Thomas who came over on ferry with us, met at St. John by very sweet Georgia (has been volunteer here for 3 years) who took us to our new home at The Ranch; honestly, I had to fight tears when I saw it - 4 miles from town up in the trees, can't drink water, flush toilet paper, no air conditioning or windows (only screens), pen of dogs outside window, roosters crowing, building very public and shared with others (even though we have our own little corner of the building); it is a concrete building with apartment set up in each corner. Have small gas stove, nice refrigerator, bedroom, kitchen table and basics.

This is more difficult than I imagined. I cried each time I talked to somebody from Tupelo the first day and evening we were here. Today, I finally called the boys because I could carry on a conversation without crying. Dickie is fine!

Today we are at the school working (he is setting up computers, I am learning about the A Beka Curriculum) so it's a better day. Georgia wants to take us to the beach later for a hamburger.

Some funny stuff: Since we are without a car, we hitched a ride to town yesterday (safe here) to walk around and buy some groceries. Waited one and one half hours to catch public bus home. Got home after dark, and it is very dark at the ranch. A good initiation for us!!
Groceries on the island are double what they are at home. After we get a vehicle we can go to St. Thomas to K-Mart which will help some.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Goodbye.....for now!

We actually about to leave Tupelo! I had no idea there was so much to take care in order to leave for 9 months! Whew!

The boys will take us to Atlanta for an early morning flight out and we should arrive St. Thomas at 2:40 p.m. A pastor is meeting us at the airport, then riding over on the ferry to St. John with us to meet my new friend, Georgia!

Please pray for me to have strength as I say goodbye to the boys! Not too many tears!!

I will post pics of my apartment at "The Ranch" ASAP.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Moving In, and Moving Out!

We spent the day in Starkville getting Daniel's stuff situated in a house. He is in a good situation, with Daniel Wynn as one of his roommates. He visited with a man at the printing center about a part-time job during school, so this is a good thing also.

Now I have seen where all of the boys will be situated while we are gone. Please pray for their safety, health, and discernment during this semester.

I guess we will actually pack ourselves beginning this weekend!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pre-adventure plans

Overwhelming is the word for the day concerning this adventure! Preparing ourselves for 9-month travel is one thing, but moving three young men back to college and seminary in other cities adds a whole different twist to the mix! I know it will all get done. God has given me a peace about this that is unexplainable. I must admit there are times when I'm "not feelin' it" and wonder if we are out of our minds. Then I rest a while, put it into perspective, and move on in His strength!