Monday, November 23, 2009

Still very hot here - supposed to be high 80s - 90 this week. We are excited about going on a Thanksgiving sail with the Newcomers. They didn't want me moping around missing the boys, so they are taking us to the British Virgin Islands nearby. Looking forward to seeing the sights - just hope I don't get seasick!
Dickie is speaking at Three Sails Church this Sunday. They're the church I told you about before that met on the beach, but now Park and Rec has asked them to leave that area. They have met in 4 locations in 4 years! Now they are meeting in the home next door to Will and Teresa. How awesome is that!! God definitely has a plan. The Newcomers will begin an advent Bible Study in their home on Tuesday nights beginning next week. We have met so many people and it's nice to have someplace to invite them to worship and study. Can't wait to see where God takes this.
I have a quote I use down here at times: "Where am I?" I use it when things happen like driving down the road in the dark and almost hitting a huge cow by the side of the road; when I see a large iguana at school; when I see a head of cauliflower that costs $8.50; when I try to understand people who speak at least 3 different Caribbean dialects!

1 comment:

  1. Think of you every day and pray that you are experiences God's unmeasured love and grace in your work.-- With all these varied experiences you will definately have to write a book
    Have a beautiful sail for a blessed Thanksgining.
