Thursday, December 3, 2009

We had a beautiful sail to the British Virgin Islands over the Thanksgiving Holidays with the Newcomers. They are so generous to share their boat with us and it was a neat experience. We attended the "Singspiration" last Sunday afternoon at Calvary Baptist Church. Mark this down - the Newcomers and Rheas (Rheacomers) were asked to get up and sing a song, and we did! Life is an adventure. Had a good first Advent Bible Study with Three Sails group on Tuesday night. Teresa led and did a great job. We will meet on Tuesdays during December. I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, but it's hard when the temperature is in the 80's, and we can go swimming any afternoon. Must get my Christmas list out and get started soon.
It's interesting to be this close to Christmas and not feel the stress of it. Our decorations consist of a red bow and a string of lights. There is no Christmas baking to do because my oven doesn't work. Maybe it's better to focus on the real meaning than on all the "extras" we pile on ourselves during the holidays.
Counting the days till we go home on the 21st. I can't wait to see my boys!!!
Spent some time in the clinic last night and this morning. Been having chest pain but we've ruled out heart and lungs. Probably just gas! Will wait and see what develops.
Please pray for patience with my second-graders at this time. They are all worked up about the holidays and discipline problems seem to escalate.
Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth and Dickie,
    Enjoy the "simpler Christmas rush". As usual, everything is full speed ahead here. I'm glad that our weather is colder--right now it is 40 with a, get this, possibility of snow tonight! I'll believe it when I see it.

    Have a blessed two more weeks before coming home to see your families.

    Pray for our Christmas musical production which is Sun. and Mon. nights."Come Home for Christmas" is a modern day prodigal son presentation. Everyone is doing a great job. Pray for those that will be attending that someone who needs to know the Lord will make a commitment.
    Lee and Ruth
